About mestatus
Hey! Myself Mehraj...
I am an exceptional undergraduate student of Software Engineering with a passion for competitive programming, problem-solving, Flutter, Java, Python, and web development. With expertise in these areas, I excel in algorithmic challenges and creating visually stunning mobile applications using Flutter. I am skilled in Java and Python for building robust software solutions, and I have a knack for crafting captivating websites with seamless functionality. As a collaborative team member, I possess strong communication skills and a positive mindset, always ready to contribute and embrace new technologies. With my diverse skill set and commitment to excellence, I am poised to make a significant impact in the field of software engineering.
Years of
My Timeline
2018 - present
Club Coordinator - Chittagon Junior Coders
It was a coding club for school & college students. I also learned coding from there. I took some bootcamp on coding in that club.2018
Project Coordinator - World Orphan Council
Worked on one of their project where we went to the orphanages and trained the kids scratch programming.2022 - 2023
Elective Member - SWE Society
It was my first time being and executive member in any organizition at SUST. We organized SUST SWE Technovent which was one of the largest tech events in Bangladesh.2023 - present
Organizing Secretary - SWE Society
It is a great honor to serve as the Organizing Secretary of SWE Socity. I look frward to do some great things being here.2023 - present
Publication and IT Secretary - Shahjalal University Debating Society
SUDS is the largest, oldest and most renowned debating club in Sylhet division. It is a great honor to be a part of this club.2023 - present
Executive Member - Bhai Brothers Social Organization (BBSO)
BBSO is a charity club based on Sylhet. I like their work and decided to join them.My Skills
My Achievements
National Champion - Creative Talent Hunt
Creative talent hunt is a competetion arranged by Bangladesh government where I was national level champion at colllege level Math and Computer section. The prizemony of 100K BDT and 1 week tour to Istanbul.2018
Champion - Project Showcasing @ National Physics Olympiad, Bangladesh
I made a security software which used an unique encryption decryption approach and this project was selected as the best project in that science fair of BDPHO National 2018, Chattogram.2018
Champion - BACS High School Programming Contest, Chittagong
It was a college and school level competetion and I was champion at college level contest.2018
1st Runner Up - 13th IIUC IUPC
The contest was an university level contest and diffrent university teams across the Chattogram division perticipated there and we stood 2nd among them.2017
Champion - National High School Programming Contest, Chittagong Region
It was unbelivable for me that at that contest I solved all the problems before everyone and without any penalties.2016
17th Position - National High School Programming Contest, National Round
After being 17th at the national level of NHSPC we were offered a 3 day long national camp where I learned a lot of new topics and met a lot of new great coders across the country.2015, 2016
2nd Runner Up - Bangladesh Math Olympiad, Chittagong Round
It was the headstart, root and push of my all extra curriculam activities. Though I never got prize in the natioal level.2023
2nd - Mobile App Development Quiz Competetion, Sylhet
The quiz was among 1000+ students in the auditoriam and when I heard that I stood 2nd among all of them it was unbelivable.2022
9th Position - BD Apps National Hackathon, Sylhet Round
Our app was in Prototype stage and it was our 1st Hackathon. We learned our mistakes and made the app in our next academic project.My PortfolioProjects
Here are some projects done by me:

Number theory flash codes
It is my collection of some most commonly used number theory function implementation. This functions can be used to quickly solve some numeber theory problems.

Segment Tree Template
It is flavor of segment tree implementation which can be customized according to our problem needs. it ensures the basic functionalities of a segment tree.

UVa 11800 Editorial at Stopstalk
I had a hard time solving this problem so after I solved it I decided to write an editorial about it. It was an intersting problem.

STL Set in CPP
Here I tried to document the STL Set Using CPP quite easily so that new learners can learn all the neccessary uses of STL Set.

Light OJ 1003 Solution
I contributed to LightOJ open source solution github repo. Interstingly, there was weak dataset in this problem and after i submitted wrong solution it was fixed and i resubmitted the solution.

Client - Server Architecture
This was a presentation by me in Architectural Design pattern class. I learned a lot while making this presentation.
My HobbiesHOBBY

I like to ride in the early morning and late night. Also I like to ride while raining. I use veloce slayer 1.0 for ride.

Making YouTube Videos
I used to make a lot of educational YouTube videos. But for some reasons I took a break from YouTube. But I think in future I might end up start my channel again.

Playing games
I have played plethora of casual and competitive games in diffrenent platforms. And did decent results in some of the competitive titles. But, now a days I don't have enough time to play as I played before. I have played almost all genres of games.

I also love to take landscape pictures of natures and unique objects, cityscapes etc. Whenever I see some good frame in my eyes I always try to capture that moment and \ share those in my inistagram.

Trying new Foods
I can say myself a decent foodie. I like to eat a lot outside. Which do cost me a lot of extra bucks from my savings. Though I am not upset about that.

Solving rubik's cube
I love to solve rubix cube. I learned to solve it in my grade 7. I can solve 2x2 3x3 4x4 cubes and my personal best for solving 3x3 is 32 seconds!
Contact MeContact
Reach Me Out!
If you want to know anything about me or my works or want to work with me, just fill up the form or mail me. For any emergencies you can call me at my phone.
: 3A, White House, BGB gate, Akhalia, Sylhet.
: codermehraj@gmail.com
: Shahjalal University of Science and technology, Sylhet
: 8801764643112
: Bangla, English, Hindi